Eräänä maaliskuisena iltana törmäsin sattumalta aika hauskaan ja huvittavaan ilmiöön: nörttipäivään! Tämä kyseessä oleva Geek Pride Day (claims the right of every person to be a nerd or a geek) on aika tuore juttu, nimittäin sitä juhlistettiin ekan kerran 25. toukokuuta 2006. Henkisesti nörttinä innostuin päivästä oitis! Tässä vähän wikipediaa, elikkä nörtin oikeudet ja vastuu.

- The right to be even geekier.
- The right to not leave your house.
- The right to not like football or any other sport.
- The right to associate with other nerds.
- The right to have few friends (or none at all).
- The right to have as many geeky friends as you want.
- The right to be out of style.
- The right to be overweight and near-sighted.
- The right to show off your geekiness.
- The right to take over the world.

- Be a geek, no matter what.
- Try to be nerdier than anyone else.
- If there is a discussion about something geeky, you must give your opinion.
- To save and protect all geeky material.
- Do everything you can to show off geeky stuff as a "museum of geekiness."
- Don't be a generalized geek. You must specialize in something.
- Attend every nerdy movie on opening night and buy every geeky book before anyone else.
- Wait in line on every opening night. If you can go in costume or at least with a related T-shirt, all the better.
- Don’t waste your time on anything not related to geekdom.
- Try to take over the world!

onks toi alin kuva "rillit huurussa" tyypeist?? :DD
VastaaPoistaEi haisuakaan :D Otin vaan jtn random kuvia weheartit:stä